About Me

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I'm 17. I really can't describe me on here, you just have to know me to know about me, ya know?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Putting Me in My Place

The past couple of days I've had some jobs to do for the 30 Hour Famine and tonight, I started to feel important and like I could just take things from there without God, prideful if you will. Well God didn't like that too much and I think He showed me in a very interesting way. Tonight at youth, during worship, we were singing and things were going fine, yes even without Steve, (HE BETTER BE BACK NEXT WEEK!!! no offense Andrew, you were good but Worship w/o a guitar is different lol...) and all of a sudden, I knock not one but TWO chairs over at the same time, like dominoes, they just toppled over and made a huge commotion right in the middle of worship, I FELT TERRIBLE!!! I pretty much knew that God showed me that I was getting too prideful and I needed to step back and look at what He has been doing in my life these past X months... It just amazed me


Any takers???

  • Any and every possible night...
  • Good pace, not slow or walking
  • At least a mile for the first week then gradually more
  • Preferably already runs, or easily gets into habits of running
  • Doesn't talk much during run, I like to listen to music, it's easier for me to concentrate on running

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sometimes I Feel Like a Monster... Sometimes I Feel Like a Saint

As Christians, this is a very applicable statement to each of our walks with Christ... We do things that are pleasing to Christ, but then turn back around and do things that make us feel like Monsters because we have conviction in our hearts from the Holy Spirit... This is a feeling I've been feeling a lot lately... It's hard, ya know, I mean, I'm not trying to make an excuse for myself or anything but it's hard to break away from your old self when trying to create a new one. These past few months I've been battling myself and Satan both just to become someone new, someone Christ would approve of, someone I can be happy with when I lay down at night knowing that if tomorrow doesn't come, I'll make Christ proud when I get up there.

This statement, Sometimes I feel like a monster, sometimes I feel like a saint, is a lyric to the song "Favorite Disease" by Thousand Foot Krutch... It seems like everytime I start to fall away from God, He sends me a new song or a new album or a new band for that matter, in this case, it was just a new album, The Flame In All of Us by TFK. Particularly the songs "Falls Apart" and "Favorite Disease". The lyrics in these songs apply to my life so much right now it's not funny and the more I listen to them the more they get to me.

Basically what I'm asking for is prayer, for strength and courage in this battle against myself and Satan, I can't do it on my own, only with and through Christ. I ask, and this is rare, that if you read this and really think you have some helpful advice, firstly, post it on here so I can re-read it, and secondly, if you see me somewhere, just stop me if you/I have the time and tell me, talk to me, and thirdly, if they're Bible verses, write them down or make sure I write them down so I can see them later...

With thanks and love

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

R-R-RRR-RRichard Green

These past three days, as many of you know, was the church's revival. First I would like to say that a Revival right after D-Now is definitely the right way to go!!!! First you spend an entire weekend dwelling on God, then you get three more nights of Him, followed up by youth group!!!! Definitely a good way to strengthen your walk with the Lord. I know It has for me.

This year I finally figured out why they call it a revival. It's simple, it's three nights with a different pastor than you're used to, a different music leader, and a completely different way of seeing God. I love this!

The speaker this year was Richard Green, an evangelist born in South Africa, spoke to us and to me in such a way I/ you couldn't help but connect with God. I learned so much from him and this revival that I can't begin to explain it. The best I can is to say that there were/are emotions going through me that I've experienced before, but are still completely new in the same time!! God really made sure my focus was on Him and His plan for me. There have been a number of occasions where I heard or thought something during the day and Richard spoke about it that night!! On Monday afternoon on my way home from school, I was listening to 97.3 KLove and the first song I heard was talking about walking through the valley of the shadow of death and how God always provides!!! Then tonight, he mentioned (Rrrr)Romans 12:2, which is the verse I'm memorizing right now! Then again tonight, he was talking about something, I don't remember but you'll see why in a minute, and all of the sudden I had a flashback to a dream I had some time ago. In the dream, I was sitting in the 2nd pew, looking up at a man. He looked exactly like Richard, and I now know that he was Richard in the dream, after he said this statement (I really wish I could remember what it was he said) I nodded and the poof! the rapture had happened, and I say this as if after it happened instead of being me, I was now a camera floating in mid air, because I saw my clothes, along with Richard's clothes and his Bible, falling to the floor!!!!!!!! It was just eerie to me that this dream could happen at any moment, even right now as you're reading th.............. (jk)... this, Jesus could come back and in a blink of an eye we would all be called back to Him as people who know and love Him. but then it got me thinking about my dad, who I don't think is saved, and I had already invited him to tonight's service and he later told me no he wasn't coming. I cry most of the time I think about the rapture because I know my dad will be one of those who just look around and wonder where everyone went. I hope and pray every day that he can be one of us who are pulled to Jesus when the clouds open up. So right now I ask you to pray for him and to keep him in your prayers, he needs Jesus, to accept the gift that has been given to us by God's loving grace, the gift we are not worthy of but still recieve because Christ died an intolerably painful death and the three days later came back to show that He is God!! AMEN! So again I ask you to pray for him and that he would come to know Jesus, but that you pray for me to, that God would give me the courage, guidance, words, and knowlege to speak to my dad.

In Christ, love ya'll

Three Minute Story