School is out... Yay!
Summer is not cold... YAY!
Summer is not terribly hot... yet :(
I have a job still...Yay!
My guitar came...YAY!!!
It's harder than I had expected... oh well I'll get over it
My spiritual life has hit a low... ouch
I'm struggling to pick it back up... double ouch
I have more skeletons in my closet than a moratorium (no I do not know what it means but I expect it has skeletons)
So now that I'm done with my smart-alleck posting.... here goes the "real thing" although I don't think it is going to be too long. First, you may have noticed it said May not June, that's because I started this post in May but had to leave to go to Carrie's with mom for a fun day with the boys... more about that later... so I'm continuing this in June... Yesterday (yes later has come) mom and I went to Carrie's and picked them up for a day out of fun... We went to the Nelson something or other Art Museum... being an art fan, I LOVED IT!!!! I ACTUALLY GOT TO SEE A REAL POLLOCK AND A REAL MONET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a few Monet's actually)
It was a fun time and I'm glad I went
I was thinking about doing this in another separate blog but I decided not to....
I would have titled it poison: the slow slippage like sewage into my small world...Lately I've been feeling like I'm a college student stuck in a high school student's life. I watch tv shows and movies, or go places, like the art museum, and see college students living life like they want to, not having to worry about parents nagging them (sorry mom, no offence, you don't really nag me) They have fun and enjoy life, they have boyfriends/girlfriends who care about them and for them to care about, and I'm realizing that I don't want this highschool life, I want that life. but really i'm just being a typical human, always wanting what we can't have. I, as a human, have emotional and mental needs, but i don't really know, i could just be so lost in my own little world i've built up around me that i could be a maniac and not even realize this... i want that life now, i want someone to care for/about me. i want to be able to express myself with art and not care about who sees it or what they think... idk now i'm just rambling... maybe i am just crazy... it sure feels that way sometimes. more on this later....