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I'm 17. I really can't describe me on here, you just have to know me to know about me, ya know?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Calming my Waters

Tonight at Youth, I came early so I could practice with the Praise Band and hopefully play some guitar next week with them. When it got down to the wire Steve asked me if I wanted to play tonight instead of next week, even though we had already determined I wasn't going to play tonight. I, of course, being the big ego'd headed person I am, said yes... When we started playing the first song I did alright, then again with the second, but then I got all messed up and started slowing way down or playing the wrong chord, or making something totally random up mixing two chords together etc, It didn't sound pretty, I'm sure. but it was the FIRST time I had played;
  • in front of more than 3 people at a time
  • with someone on drums, a bass and people singing
  • on stage
  • not for my own enjoyment
  • for God
  • on a wednesday night
  • in the church
  • etc etc

and Steve said I did just fine, although I think he may have been making some of it up to make me feel better (lol).

Then Matt came up and gave his message on how to prepare people to hear the good news and even challenged us to really think about our salvation. (By now, I've gotten this feeling, this intense strange feeling, I'd felt calm. I'd felt more calm than I have in the past 4 months combined. It felt good needless to say) He said he'd been struggling on whether to do this one or not but God said someone in the crowd needed to hear it. That someone, was me. It really made me think about my salvation and my Christian life, and the rollercoaster ride I've put myself on. So God, and Matt, thank you for presenting tonight. It's really helped me think about who God wants me to be and where I need to get going.

I would ask anyone who reads this to pray for my message next Wednesday and that I'll keep myself in line in order to give it, I do not want to go up there like a hippocrate teaching what I don't practice myself.


Matthew said...

"Then Matt came up and gave his message on how to prepare people to hear the good news and even challenged us to really think about our salvation."

It's really reassuring to me to know that the message really impacted at least one person, but just so you know I've got my notes in front of me right now and I'm pretty sure I never actually came out and said anything about examining our own salvation (I was thinkin' it, but I didn't say it), I'm thinking me and God must have been talking to you at the same time and you got it mixed up. ;) jk, man, I'm praying for you and I'm sure you'll do fine Wednesday... just remember to rely on God and that it's all for His glory.

Grace said...

Nathan said you did really good on Wed night, and while he's not a music critic, he hasn't really learned to lie yet either, so I'm sure you sounded just fine!

I'm praying for you, and all the youth that are speaking this summer!

Matthew said...

An atheist has asked Christians why we pray, and I've opened the question up to reader-response on my blog. Feel free to post a response!

James W said...

God knows when we need to turn our ears on to hear His words.